Easy State Aid - state aid advisory

Mikołaj Stasiak


Mikołaj Stasiak has over twenty years of experience in the field of State aid law

In year 2000 he co-founded the Department of State Aid Monitoring at the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) where for following four years he held the position of deputy director. He was responsible for conducting State aid cases in pre-accession period. He is an author of legislation concerning State aid in Poland, in particular the act of 30 April 2004 on proceeding in State aid cases, along with implementing regulations. Mr. Stasiak also participated in the Polish accession negotiations in area of competition

In years 2004-2006 Mr. Stasiak worked at Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the EU in Brussels where he was responsible for competition matters. He conducted a number of proceedings before the European Commission and the ECJ in State aid and antitrust cases

From 2006 to 2008 Mr. Stasiak was a national expert in Directorate General for Transport and Energy (DG TREN) in the European Commission where he conducted proceedings regarding State aid in various Member States (i.e. Poland, Czech Republic, Spain) in energy and transport sector 

As of 2008 Mr. Stasiak has been advising on State aid and EU funds. As a partner of Easy State Aid Kaznowski Stasiak Spolka jawna he has represented his Clients in numerous proceedings before the Polish authorities and the European Commission. He also participated in proceeding before the EU Courts

Mr. Stasiak has provided expertise to the European Investment Bank. In recent years he has been appointed a State aid expert in Croatia, Montenegro, Romania and Ukraine in the framework of EU-funded technical assistance projects

Mr. Stasiak conducted a number of trainings on State aid for various institutions: European Investment Bank, the Ministry of Regional Development, the Ministry of Economy, Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, the Academy of European Law (ERA) and Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft. He also regularly presents at leading policy and academic conferences