Easy State Aid - state aid advisory

Andrzej Kaznowski


Andrzej Kaznowski has thirteen years of experience in the field of State aid law

Mr. Kaznowski earned experience as case handler in the Department of State Aid Monitoring at the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection where he successfully conducted a number of notification proceedings. He was also responsible for drafting State aid legislation

As of 2011 Mr. Kaznowski advises public authorities and entrepreneurs on State aid as a partner of Easy State Aid Kaznowski Stasiak Spolka jawna. He conducted a number of State aid projects in Poland, Croatia and Montenegro

He specializes in State aid in energy sector. He represented the Polish authorities and aid beneficiaries in a number of complex proceedings before the European Commission concerning inter alia green certificates scheme, CHP certificates scheme, RES and CHP support schemes based on auctions, reductions in RES and CHP funding for energy intensive users, indirect emission costs compensation, capacity market and support to energy infrastructure. All these cases were concluded with EC’s decisions not to raise objections

He also provides advice to such institutions as the World Bank, the European Investment Bank, the Foundation for Polish Science and the National Center of Research and Development

Mr. Kaznowski teaches State aid law at the University of Lund (European and International Trade and Tax Law – Master’s Program) and at Warsaw School of Economics (Postgraduate Studies on State aid and Postgraduate Studies ‘Functioning of the Energy Market’). He also conducted numerous trainings in the field of State aid for such institutions as: European Investment Bank, the Ministry of Administration and Digitalization, the Ministry of Regional Development, Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego and Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft. He also regularly presents at leading policy and academic conferences